Comment déboucher une canalisation d’égout ?

Comment faire pour déboucher une canalisation d’égout ?

Dealing with a clogged sewer pipe can be quite a hassle, but fear not! In this article, we will reveal some of the best-kept secrets to unclog your sewer pipes and get things flowing smoothly again. So, grab a cup of coffee, get comfortable, and let’s dive into the world of sewer unclogging!

Les causes possibles d’une canalisation d’égout bouchée

A clogged sewer pipe is often the result of improper use of the water drainage system or poor individual sanitation design. Certain pipe structures are more prone to clogs, while external factors like heavy rain or the passage of heavy machinery can also impact sewer pipes.

Les mauvaises habitudes et fautes d’inattention

One very common cause of pipe obstructions is the bad habit of flushing wipes or sanitary pads down the toilet. These habits should be avoided if you want to prevent sewer pipe clogs. Additionally, objects accidentally falling into the pipes can also cause clogs.

La pluie

When rainwater carries debris like soil, sand, or dead leaves, it can cause pipe problems and blockages in the sewage system. During heavy rain or storms, the accumulation of water in the pipes can disrupt normal drainage. In such cases, it is important to check the condition of the drain covers, which may be filled with mud and sand, exacerbating the issue. Using a drain snake can help unclog the pipes, but it is best to take preventive measures to avoid future clogs.

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Les engins lourds et les racines d’arbre

When heavy machinery damages roads, it can also damage shallowly buried sewer pipes. This can have a significant impact on the drainage system. Similarly, tree roots searching for water can infiltrate and proliferate in the pipes, causing blockages.

Les fosses septiques pleines

Over time, it is natural for a septic tank to reach its maximum capacity and no longer be able to receive water. This results in overflow and prevents proper water drainage.

Qu’est-ce qui indique que la canalisation d’égout est bouchée ?

There are several signs that may indicate a clogged sewer pipe, including:

  • Water level rising in the toilet bowl after flushing.
  • Slow drainage in sinks, bathtubs, washing machines, or kitchen sinks.
  • Foul odors coming from the drains.
  • Gurgling sounds when using the plumbing fixtures.

It is also important to note that pipes have a lifespan, and anomalies may occur due to their age.

S’assurer de l’origine de l’obstruction

Before attempting to unclog the pipes yourself or contacting a professional, make sure the problem is actually located in the sewer pipe. It is possible that the issue lies within the internal pipes of your home. To determine the source of the obstruction, start by inspecting the drain covers of your sanitation system. This will give you an idea of the severity of the situation. If the wastewater flows normally at one drain cover but is blocked at another, it means that the latter is obstructed. To avoid further consequences, it is wise to take action as soon as possible.

Que faire face au problème d’égout bouché ?

After diagnosing the problem and identifying its sources, it is necessary to take the necessary steps. If the obstruction is due to a full septic tank or a failing wastewater treatment system, professionals should be contacted to perform the necessary drainage or cleaning. The same goes for clogged sewage systems in collective sanitation systems. If the issue is confirmed to be within your property, here’s what you can do to unclog the sewer pipe.

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Quels outils utiliser ?

There are two possible situations when dealing with a clogged sewer pipe. The blockage may be at the connection point or at the entrance of the pipe in a drain cover. To unclog the pipe, you will need a large enough drain snake, at least 100 mm in diameter. If you don’t have one, you can use a thin iron rod known as a “Fer à Béton” for the job. These rods, with a length of 6 meters and a diameter of 12 mm, provide the necessary rigidity with a minimal amount of flexibility. You can find them at any supplier at an affordable price. If the blockage is not too far, insert the rod and dislodge the clog by moving it back and forth and rotating it.

Comment déboucher l’égout ?

L’évacuation d’eau dans les caniveaux

Before unclogging the sewer pipe, it is recommended to check for solid objects obstructing the flow, such as dead leaves, sand, or pebbles. Removing these beforehand will facilitate the unclogging process. Next, it is crucial to ensure that all remaining water in the pipes is completely drained. This can be done using a bucket or a cut-out bottle, emptying it until the water level reaches the sewer.

Déloger le bouchon à l’aide d’un déboucheur

En utilisant un furet

A drain snake is a useful tool for unclogging sewer pipes. Insert the snake into the clogged pipe and use its rigid metallic end, equipped with a hook, to break up the clog. The snake also features a handle to rotate and advance the hook inside the pipe. Simply insert the hook into the clogged pipe and rotate the handle while pushing the snake forward. Repeat this process until the snake reaches the other end of the pipe. If the snake gets stuck, you can use its length to determine the location of the blockage. In this case, you will need to dig to inspect the pipe and make repairs if necessary.

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En utilisant un tuyau d’arrosage

If you don’t have a drain snake, you can use a garden hose as an alternative. Insert the hose into the clogged pipe until it becomes blocked, then turn on the water. To dislodge the blockage, move the hose back and forth, just like using a drain snake. Although the success rate with this method may be lower, it is worth trying before deciding to purchase a drain snake.

En utilisant les buses de débouchage

If the previous methods fail to clear the clog, you can try using nozzle attachments for garden hoses, which help concentrate the water jet at various points. These attachments increase the water pressure, allowing it to destroy the blockage and clear the passage. There are various types of nozzles available. Some are designed to attach to garden hoses, while others are intended for use with high-pressure water cleaners. The latter are more effective and are commonly used by professional hydro-jetting companies. This type of nozzle can tackle the majority of pipe blockages.

If the problem persists despite your efforts, it is recommended to seek the assistance of a professional plumber specializing in sewer and pipe unclogging. They will have the necessary tools, such as a drain snake, to dislodge the blockage and perform a proper cleaning of the pipes. Regularly checking the drain covers in your home is also important to prevent pipe blockages caused by improper water flow. In conclusion, proper maintenance of sewer pipes and drainage systems is crucial to avoid problems with clogs and water evacuation.

So, there you have it! With these insider tips, you’re now equipped to tackle even the toughest sewer pipe clogs. Say goodbye to plumbing issues and hello to smooth-flowing drains.