Safaris: Finding the Perfect Adventure in Kenya

Safaris: Finding the Perfect Adventure in Kenya

Are you ready for an unforgettable adventure in the heart of Kenya’s mesmerizing wilderness? Safaris are the ultimate way to explore the diverse landscapes and observe wildlife up close. In this article, we’ll delve into the different types of safaris available, how to book your own safari, and what to expect during your journey.

Types of Safari: From Air to Road

Air Safaris: Spectacular Views from Above

For those seeking breathtaking views and comfort, air safaris are an excellent choice. By using internal flights to travel between destinations, you’ll be treated to stunning aerial vistas. However, keep in mind that air safaris offer less intimate contact with Kenya’s wildlife. Typically, your game drives will be organized by the lodge or camp you’re staying at, ensuring local knowledge of the parks and specially adapted vehicles. Prices for a week-long air safari can range from $500 to $1000 per person per day, based on accommodation quality and group size.

Road Safaris: Immersive Experiences on Land

If you prefer a more budget-friendly option with a deeper connection to the land, road safaris are a fantastic choice. These safaris involve long drives in minibusses or closed vehicles, with game drives conducted in the same vehicle. While this option is less expensive, the journeys can be tiring and time-consuming. Most road safaris follow a route that takes you from one lodge or camp to another, allowing for stays of two to three nights in multiple parks. A typical road safari from Samburu to Nakuru and Maasai Mara costs around $300 to $700 per person per day, based on group size.

Camping Safaris: Adventure and Self-Sufficiency

For an authentic and adventurous experience, consider a camping safari. These budget-friendly trips usually involve minibus travel, with the crew setting up tents each day. While camping safaris may lack some comforts, such as regular showers or lavish meals, they offer unparalleled self-sufficiency and flexibility. Prices for camping safaris can range from $250 to $350 per person per day, depending on the itinerary and group size. Some camping safaris even provide rugged vehicles like 4WD Land Rovers or Land Cruisers, offering more freedom and comfort.

Beyond the Standard: Unique Safaris

In addition to the traditional air, road, and camping safaris, you can also embark on horseriding, camel-assisted, walking, or cycling safaris. These unique experiences provide alternative ways to explore Kenya’s stunning landscapes and wildlife. The prices for these safaris are generally comparable to mid-range or expensive conventional safaris.

Aerial Marvel: The Balloon Flight

To add an extra touch of magic to your safari, consider a one-hour balloon flight over the Maasai Mara. This incredible experience allows you to witness the vastness of the savannah and its wildlife from a different perspective. Keep in mind that this indulgence comes at a cost, with current prices around $500 per person.

Booking Safaris Direct: The Freedom to Plan

If you want the freedom to plan your own safari, booking directly with agents or operators in Nairobi or on the coast is a great option. While travel agents and operators can organize the entire trip for you, arranging it yourself allows for more control over the itinerary. However, if you prefer a tailor-made, exclusive safari, availability of staff and vehicles may limit your options. It’s worth noting that budget safaris arranged in Mombasa usually only visit the nearby national parks, while trips to Samburu or Maasai Mara are usually arranged from Nairobi.

KATO: Your Guide to Reputable Operators

When choosing a safari operator, it’s essential to consider their credibility and reputation. The Kenya Association of Tour Operators (KATO) is a good resource for finding reliable companies. Membership in KATO is a positive sign, although it doesn’t guarantee a flawless experience. The association publishes lists of its members and can offer guidance if you encounter any issues. For the latest deals and recommendations, rely on the Nairobi grapevine and social media platforms.

Guides and Tips: Enhancing Your Safari Experience

Once you’ve booked your safari, your guide will play a significant role in shaping your experience. The Kenya Professional Safari Guides Association sets high standards for professional guides. Look for accredited guides with gold, silver, or bronze status, as they possess extensive knowledge of wildlife and the natural environment. Going on a game drive with a silver or gold guide can provide remarkable insights into animal behavior and expert tracking skills. Bronze guides are also highly knowledgeable and dedicated to their craft.

Guides not only excel in animal spotting but also possess exceptional linguistic skills and practical expertise. Many visitors develop close relationships with their guides, often returning to the same company to renew their friendship. Tips from clients make up a significant portion of guides’ income, so budget around $5 to $10 per driver-guide per day, as well as for lodge or camp staff tips. It’s best to pay tips in Kenyan shillings to avoid the need for currency conversion.

Embark on a Safari Adventure!

With the information provided, you’re ready to begin your safari adventure in Kenya. Whether you choose an air, road, or camping safari, or opt for a unique experience like horseriding or cycling, Kenya’s breathtaking landscapes and diverse wildlife await you. Take the plunge, book your safari, and let the magic unfold as you explore the wonders of Kenya’s wilderness.