Senator Barrasso: Put an End to Subsidies for Electric Vehicles

Senator Barrasso: Put an End to Subsidies for Electric Vehicles

I recently had the opportunity to sit down with Senator John Barrasso, Chairman of the Senate Committee on the Environment and Public Works, to discuss his ambitious plan to revitalize our nation’s infrastructure. During our conversation, Senator Barrasso shared his thoughts on the subsidies currently provided for electric vehicles. Here’s what he had to say:

Why Subsidies for Electric Vehicles Need to Be Reconsidered

Senator Barrasso believes it is time to reevaluate the subsidies for electric vehicles that were put in place 13 years ago. At that time, the goal was to stimulate the market for electric vehicles and encourage their adoption. However, the market has now grown significantly, with over a million electric vehicles on the road worldwide, many of which are in the United States.

The senator argues that these subsidies are no longer necessary for a couple of reasons. First, he believes it is unfair to use taxpayer money to subsidize high-end vehicles. Second, the subsidies were implemented to create a market for electric vehicles, and that market has already been established. Therefore, continuing these expensive subsidies, especially for high-end vehicles, seems unnecessary.

The Impact on Road Infrastructure

Another concern raised by Senator Barrasso is the impact of electric vehicles on road infrastructure. He points out that when we talk about infrastructure, there is a cost associated with repairing roads due to wear and tear. Traditionally, this cost has been covered by the gas tax. However, with the increasing number of electric vehicles on the road that do not use gasoline and, therefore, do not contribute to the gas tax, an alternative solution must be found.

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Senator Barrasso proposes a user fee for electric vehicle owners to ensure they contribute to the maintenance of our road infrastructure. This user fee would replace the current subsidies, making it a fair and equitable way for electric vehicle owners to pay their share.

A Fair and Sensible Solution

In conclusion, Senator Barrasso believes that ending the electric vehicle tax credit and implementing a user fee for electric vehicle owners is a common sense approach to funding the revitalization of our country’s roads, bridges, and tunnels. By eliminating subsidies for high-end vehicles and ensuring electric vehicle owners contribute to road maintenance, this proposal aims to strike a fair balance.

It’s important to note that this article represents Senator Barrasso’s perspective on the issue. As with any opinion, it’s essential to consider a variety of viewpoints before forming your own conclusions.

Disclaimer: Boris Epshteyn formerly served as a Senior Advisor to the Trump Campaign and served in the White House as Special Assistant to The President and Assistant Communications Director for Surrogate Operations.