Subscribing to Social Security Contributions with ease on the e-services platform

Subscribing to Social Security Contributions with ease on the e-services platform

Have you ever wondered how to successfully subscribe to social security contributions and salary taxes on the e-services platform? Look no further! In this article, we will guide you through the necessary steps to make this process smooth and hassle-free.

Step 1: Access the e-services platform

First things first, you need to access the e-services platform at this address:

Step 2: Log in to your taxpayer’s space

Once you’ve reached the platform, enter your login credentials (username and password) to access your taxpayer’s space on e-services.

Step 3: Navigate the menus

Click on the “Déclaration” menu, then select “Déclaration” from the dropdown submenu in the top bar.

Step 4: Choose the type of tax

From the list provided, select “Cotisation CNSS” as the nature of the tax.

Step 5: Submit your declaration

Click on the corresponding “déposer” button for the desired declaration period.

Step 6: Fill in the declaration form

Fill in all the required fields in the declaration form.

Step 7: Save your progress

Save your declaration by clicking on the “sauvegarder” button.

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Step 8: Complete the CNSS annex

On the left side of the declaration form, click on the “ANNEXE COTISATION CNSS” section.

Step 9: Fill in the annex

There are two options for filling in the annex:

  • Option 1: Fill in the annex directly on the active page.
  • Option 2: Load the annexes from an Excel file.

Step 10: Loading the annexes

Follow these steps to load the annexes:

  1. On the left side of the declaration form, in the “Chargement de fichier CSV” section, check the “oui” and “Point-virgule” boxes, then click on the “télécharger le modèle” button.
  2. Once the file is downloaded, open it and enter the data or copy and paste the data from a prepared source file.
    (Note: When copying and pasting, choose the “Paste Special” option and select “values” to avoid issues with formulas or cell formats).
  3. Format the “date” column as a “date” and ensure that the file does not contain any semicolons (;) or more than three digits after the decimal point (if possible, remove the decimals and keep only whole numbers).
  4. Click on the “enregistrer sous” button and save the file in “CSV (séparateur: point-virgule)” format. Close the file by clicking “yes” in all the successive dialog boxes.
  5. Return to the active page of your declaration and click on the “choisir un fichier” button.
  6. Choose the previously saved document (refer to step 10-4).
  7. Check the “oui” and “point-virgule” boxes.
  8. Finally, click on the “envoyer CSV” button.
    Your file is successfully loaded, and a confirmation message will appear.
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Pro tip: In case your file fails to load and returns an error message, click above the “télécharger le modèle” button on the “télécharger les erreurs” button. Open this file to identify and rectify the issue preventing the loading process. Make the necessary corrections in the file to be loaded.

Step 11: Save and mark as complete

Click on the “sauvegarder” button, then select “marquer comme terminé” to save and mark your declaration as complete.

Step 12: Verify the information

Double-check the information entered and ensure the correct loading of the annex.

Step 13: Submit your declaration

Go back to the declaration by clicking on “cotisation CNSS” at the top left and then click on “sauvegarder” and “soumettre la déclaration” on the right.

Step 14: Confirm and send

Confirm the submission of your declaration by clicking “oui, je consens” in the dialog box.

Voilà! Your declaration is now subscribed, and you can proceed with online payment.